(Our models generated all of the content below from one of our PR’s)
The changes consist of:
- Refactoring trace link generation code into a new package (TraceLinkGenerationConfig, FlatFileParser, etc)
- Modifying JSON serialization to use a shared ObjectMapper configuration (WebApiConfiguration, SafaRequestBuilder, etc)
- Adding a ProjectSummaryService and refactoring some services (ServiceProvider)
- Adding methods to generate summaries of changes (ProjectCommit, ProjectChange, ArtifactAppEntity)
- Adding a new batch link addition route (AppRoutes)
- Modifying commit and sync logic (CommitService, SyncController)
- Refactoring request handling and repositories (BaseController, GenericVersionRepository)
The key themes are:
- Refactoring/restructuring of some components
- Enhancements to change summarization
- Modifications to core logic like commit and syncing
- Centralization of JSON serialization configuration
User-level Summary
The changes focused on improving how changes to projects are summarized and presented to users, refactoring some internal components, and modifying core functionality like committing changes.
Some key improvements for users are:
- Summaries of changes at the project, commit, and artifact level to make it easier to understand changes